Monday, June 27, 2011

Remodel Old Homes? Brag a Little on d5R -- and Win an iPad 2

"Old" is a relative term, especially when it comes to houses. My home is 93 but will easily withstand another 100 or so, assuming the world doesn't end first. We've all seen homes built 10 years ago that should have been condemned yesterday.

But I digress. What I mean to say is that between now and the end of July we're considering any house built before 1960 to be old for the purposes of the Snapshots contest on daily5REMODEL:

contest name:
Old House Renovations

contest sponsor: 
Crown Point Cabinetry

contest prize:
an Apple iPad 2

Entering is simple and free:
  • Assemble up to three great “after” photos of any part of an old house renovation by your company, and email them directly to me (leah@daily5REMODEL). Type "old house renovation" in the subject line.
  • The photos can feature any part of the home, or even one or more small details. If you like, you may also (optional) include one or more “before” photos showing the same areas prior to your renovation.
  • With your email, include a brief narrative explaining the scope and challenges of the work, the age and style of the home, and why you’re proud of the finished product!
  • Indicate the home’s location as well, along with a contact person at your company.
We'll feature entries throughout July in the Snapshots section of d5R, and then hold an open vote to select the winner -- a chance to rally your clients and network -- in early August.

Thanks to Crown Point Cabinetry for this generous sponsorship.

By the way, if you like old house stories, you'll love reading these accounts of what remodelers have found behind old walls. Missing a revolver, a corncob pipe, the book (published in 1889) on buiding?

Good luck!

Friday, June 24, 2011

"Something that people can get excited about..."

Given that it's late June ... it's high time I announce the winner of the May Snapshots contest on d5R. 

For his transformative remodel of this basement in Springfield, N.J., Brian Nevins Jr. of Innovative Remodeling Solutions is getting an Apple iPad 2 from WoodTrac by Sauder, the contest sponsor and provider of the panelized ceiling solution featured in Brian's project.

How does it feel, Brian? 

"I was pumped when I heard the news that I won the iPad 2. What's better than that? Beautiful job thanks to a beautiful ceiling by WoodTrac, another award-winning project and a free iPad ...  Awesome!"

How do you expect to use the iPad 2 in your work? 

"The iPad is great for holding a large collection of different types of project portfolios. It's a great ice-breaker to hand an iPad to a customer to browse beautiful pictures while I'm measuring and getting set up to sell.

"It's also great to read the d5R on it when I stop for lunch." 

Excellent answers! What do you like about WoodTrac's ceiling systems? 

"It's perfect for a homeowner who's looking for something beyond the typical look of a finished basement. It looks great, people that choose it love it and it's affordable.

"When I'm consulting with homeowners about remodeling I believe in showing them the difference. The WoodTrac ceiling system fits in well with how I like selling. Talking to homeowners about the same old stuff that all my competition is selling is boring! I like showing something that people can get excited about.  

"Now after we have sold and installed a few WoodTrac systems we have those stories of happy homeowners to tell to the next prospect, and that builds value on the next presentation. It's easy to install, too, so the production guys still love me, and that's important!!"

Way to go, Brian. Enjoy your iPad 2. 

And thank you again, WoodTrac, for sponsoring the contest!