Just sent this letter to the entire d5R readership this morning. Already, the feedback has been tremendously affirming and even exciting. Can't thank my remodeling friends enough.

Dear d5R Community --
Yesterday’s issue of daily5REMODEL was the last you’ll receive for a while. The site isn’t going away, but after more than 17 months, 290 issues, 1,500 articles, thousands of news links and all the joys and tribulations of running a small business -- whew -- I’m ready to press the reset button and explore new options.
d5R has been the most gratifying accomplishment of my career, and for that I thank you, the readers. Whether you were with me from the beginning or just came aboard recently, your feedback, encouragement and on-site engagement have been vital to the site’s success.
Also vital has been your generosity in sharing strategies, challenges and triumphs from within your own businesses. Collectively, you have posted nearly 2,400 comments -- hundreds of them provocative and worthy of articles in themselves. There’s great value in your comments, and I'll be contemplating how to direct that value to the benefit of the remodeling community.
What else will I be contemplating? Well, stay with me and you’ll continue to receive the occasional d5R in your email bright and early some mornings. (Several people have already suggested I rebrand it as w5R -- what do you think?) In either case, heaven knows there are infinite other remodeling business stories that haven’t been told or even experienced yet.
Many of you have approached me about working directly with your businesses, and I now welcome the opportunity to explore those and other possibilities as well.
Those of you who upgraded to d5R Premium will hear from me in a separate correspondence. Remodelers have taught me the importance of treating your best customers right, and I’ll be happy to offer a refund to anyone who requests one. In the meantime and for the foreseeable future, all content in the d5R Premium Library remains accessible to you, as do most other Premium benefits.
I still believe that the remodeling industry is far more dynamic and sophisticated than any existing media recognize. I’m proud of the audience-driven dialog we have created together, and proud to have had you out here on this limb with me. Progress is happening, and I, for one, have enjoyed being a part of it.
Thanks for your support, and please keep in touch!

Leah Thayer
p.s. Don’t want to receive any more emails from me? Click here to unsubscribe from this list.

Dear d5R Community --
Yesterday’s issue of daily5REMODEL was the last you’ll receive for a while. The site isn’t going away, but after more than 17 months, 290 issues, 1,500 articles, thousands of news links and all the joys and tribulations of running a small business -- whew -- I’m ready to press the reset button and explore new options.
d5R has been the most gratifying accomplishment of my career, and for that I thank you, the readers. Whether you were with me from the beginning or just came aboard recently, your feedback, encouragement and on-site engagement have been vital to the site’s success.
Also vital has been your generosity in sharing strategies, challenges and triumphs from within your own businesses. Collectively, you have posted nearly 2,400 comments -- hundreds of them provocative and worthy of articles in themselves. There’s great value in your comments, and I'll be contemplating how to direct that value to the benefit of the remodeling community.
What else will I be contemplating? Well, stay with me and you’ll continue to receive the occasional d5R in your email bright and early some mornings. (Several people have already suggested I rebrand it as w5R -- what do you think?) In either case, heaven knows there are infinite other remodeling business stories that haven’t been told or even experienced yet.
Many of you have approached me about working directly with your businesses, and I now welcome the opportunity to explore those and other possibilities as well.
Those of you who upgraded to d5R Premium will hear from me in a separate correspondence. Remodelers have taught me the importance of treating your best customers right, and I’ll be happy to offer a refund to anyone who requests one. In the meantime and for the foreseeable future, all content in the d5R Premium Library remains accessible to you, as do most other Premium benefits.
I still believe that the remodeling industry is far more dynamic and sophisticated than any existing media recognize. I’m proud of the audience-driven dialog we have created together, and proud to have had you out here on this limb with me. Progress is happening, and I, for one, have enjoyed being a part of it.
Thanks for your support, and please keep in touch!

Leah Thayer
p.s. Don’t want to receive any more emails from me? Click here to unsubscribe from this list.